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Poker face

Posted in Poker skills

After a while, you will learn when to raise or stay with your hand and which hands to start with. The trick when starting out is to not underestimate your chances.

Don’t fret and worry so that you never really get started and because you will not learn the true game or grow to appreciate it. Simply start betting, raising and check, then raising more and learn to bluff. Don’t overdo it when just starting out. Take yourself out of your comfort zone, it may surprise you how much fun learning can be and how quickly you will learn.

If you folded only to learn that your hand would have made a good hand on the flop, don’t make comments or gestures that show your exasperation. The same can be said about showing others through your expressions or habits that you are excited to have a pair of aces.

Don’t bounce out of your seat spilling poker chips. Don’t let your jaw fall open in unbelief or bang your hands or head on the table. To do so is not only annoying to others but it gives away your hand and even can change the outcome of the game for yourself or others. In fact, don’t react to the cards at all. I know these were an exaggeration but I hope I made my point. Learn to bluff and be a mannequin.

Learning not to allow the opposition to be able to read your style will make the difference between winning and losing. The key is to be able to have many styles so that the opposition doesn’t know how to combat it. Develop a poker face.

No matter what the reasoning, do not play when drunk. Nothing is more disgusting than sitting beside an inebriated player. Someone bumping into you, knocking over the poker chips ruins the game. Someone who forgets when it is his turn to play his hand makes for a really upsetting experience. Would you rather be remembered as an honorable and worthy opponent or the slob who ruined the game? The choice is yours.